Our Mission
Global 8235 is holistically transforming lives in Zambia in 7 Areas of Outreach-Educational Enrichment and Literacy Development, Vocational Training, Secure Housing, Medical Care, Nutrition, Financial Principles, and Discipleship. We target impoverished women, men, and youth, and the children under their care while fostering educational growth, character development, and a personal faith relationship with the Lord, Jesus Christ in our target group and beyond.
Our Vision
We believe it is possible to make educational, economic, and eternal changes now and for generations to come in the lives of those who have not been given a chance to grow and thrive.
Ministry Founder
Tracy Murray is mom to 8 grown children. She is an occupational therapist by education and never had any dream of starting a non-profit organization,especially in Africa. During her 30 years of homeschooling Tracy read missionary stories to her children. She learned right alongside them. She did not grow up in a Christian home and didn’t know about missionaries as a child or youth. As a mom, she found ways to serve together with her children benefitting domestic and overseas to missions projects.
Tracy accepted Jesus as her personal Lord and Savior at age 13. A friend shared 2 Corinthians 5:17 with her explaining how she could be a new creation in Christ. The sins of her past would be washed away and she would be made new.
Later a pastor spoke about ‘getting a burden for a people.” By now Tracy knew she wanted to become a missionary, but thought it would be after her children were grown. God knew more.
On her first survey trip to Zambia in 2005 she knew within three days that Zambians were her people group.
After moving to Zambia in 2007 with 7 of her 8 children she was sure she would work with children. In fact, when someone suggested she start a handbag ministry she emphatically said, ‘No!” She was working with children at a church pastored by Saul Mwailenge and had no interest in working with women. At Tracy’s first ladies fellowship meeting Pastor Saul’s wife, Mauldrine, announced the women of the church would have prayer partners. Tracy recalls all the Zambian women sitting around her reaching out to be her partner. Tracy was perplexed. God knew the plans (Jerimiah 29:11-14), Tracy’s life verse, and Tracy’s lot fell in with Irene, an ill-fitting member of the church who lived in the nearby ghetto slum called Kamanga. When Tracy visited Irene’s simple block house with dirt floors and no glass windows Tracy was further burdened and found her true calling there.
Pastor Saul and Mauldrine had become Tracy’s close friends and mentors. She saw them struggling to educate their three young adult children on $750/ month. He worked as a fulltime pastor and she, a fulltime nurse midwife. As they talked and prayed, a ministry began. God literally sent women and men
to Tracy’s home with miraculous stories about how they heard about this newly formed ministry from five miles away deep inside the Kamanga Compound. The majority of the women and men, the RecycloCraftz artisans, still live in or nearby the Kamanga Compound. Irene went to be with the Lord unexpectedly five years after Tracy first met her. Tracy is rebuilding relationships with Irene’s adult children now..
First founded as New Creation Ministry Zambia in 2008, the ministry later became known as RecycloCraftz. Tracy can pinpoint the place where she was riding her bike when the Lord spoke that new name into her heart. She feels it aptly captures the essence of 2 Corinthians 5:17 and the unique products made by the artisans using bottle caps, old video tapes, cardboard boxes, plastic grocery bags, scrap fabrics and more. The RecycloCraftz women, there children and now their grandchildren are making beautiful new creations out of old junk. From 2011 to 2022 Tracy lived in the States. She finished raising her children and caring for her parents until they went to heaven. Sadly, she ended a difficult 34-year marriage.
Fast forward to today, Tracy is blessed to be living full-time in Zambia again. The ministry rebranded in 2022 to become Global 8235 while maintaining the RecycloCraftz brand and work.
The rebrand gives a platform to promote all 7 Areas of Outreach within the ministry that have been active since it began.
Tracy hopes to be in Zambia for the next 15-20 years and loves working with children as a part of the Educational Enrichment and Literary development aspect of the ministry. She is grateful to have a chance to ‘sit in the dirt and teach women to read, so they can read God’s Word” again.
Our Team
Daniel has served in various leadership and nonleadership roles in his churches in Virginia, Texas,
and Alabama for over a decade. With Global
8235/RecycloCraftz for the last two years, he
has provided communications and strategic
direction. In his professional capacity, Daniel has
over thirty years of combined federal service
with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the
U.S. Navy Reserve. He currently lives in
Huntsville, Alabama and is married with four
Pastor Terry Walton was born in Louisville, KY in 1968 and has remained there ever since. He is a
graduate of Mid America Christian University with a degree in Christian Ministry. He pastored
various Church of God congregations in and around Louisville and recently became pastor of a congregation in Northern Kentucky. He ismarried and together he and his wife, Heather, have 8 children.
He met Tracy several years ago as she was the Occupational Therapist at a private school where
his wife was the director. Tracy spoke at his church and the congregation supported the work
through financial giving, prayer and purchasing RecycloCraftz products.
Terry has served on various boards over the last 20 years from churches, non-profits, and forprofit businesses. He looks forward to his time serving on the Global 8235 Ministry board.
Jill is the Director of Operations for the US side of our organization. A few years ago, she relocated from Illinois to Louisville, KY.
She went to school at Concordia College and her expertise is in data and technology as well as communication and customer service. She has over 30 years of experience in patient/client care and information systems with an excellent reputation for resolving problems and unmatched customer satisfaction.
She is excited to use her skills to serve the mission of Global8235 and RecycloCraftz. Jill has been involved in philanthropic work for many years through the local church and as a member of of P.E.O. Although she has not yet traveled to Zambia, she is open to the adventures and challenges God calls her to!
Esther Mwailenge was born in Ndola,
Zambia.She did her primary and secondary
education there before moving to Lusaka. While
doing her post-secondary education she sewed
for the RecycloCraftz ministry which helped her
pay for her living expenses while at university.
Following her education in Zambia she went to
South Africa and received additional training in
her chosen field of Physiotherapy. Esther says, “I
joined the board of Global 8235 and I’m glad
to be part of the organization. I’m impressed to
see the work, the determination and the effort
the organization has made to build and improve
the lives of many people.’
Statement of Faith
We believe in one God who
exists in three distinct persons:
the Father, Son, and Holy
Spirit. (2 Corinthians 13:14;
Matthew 28:19)
We believe that Jesus Christ is
the Son of God who became
flesh to reveal God to us and
to become the Savior of the
lost. (Matthew 3:16-17; 1
John 5:7-8)
We believe that the blood
shed of Jesus Christ on the
cross provides the sole basis
for the forgiveness of sins.
(Luke 24:46-47; John 1:29;
Acts 3:19; 1 John 1:7-9;
Revelation 5:9)
We believe that people are
created in the image of God
to have fellowship with Him
but become alienated from
that relationship through sinful
disobedience. As a result,
people are totally incapable
of coming back into the right
relationship with God by their
own effort. (Genesis 1:26;
Romans 3:23)
We believe that the Holy
Spirit took residence within
those who placed their trust in
Jesus Christ after he ascended
into heaven, and the same is
true today. The Holy Spirit’s
purpose is to edify and
empower the individual
believer and church and is
alive and active today, as
well as the gifts of the Spirit
chronicled in the New
Testament. (Acts 1:5, 8;
Ephesians 3:16)
We believe that every
Christian should live for Christ
and not for oneself. By
obedience to the Word and
every day yielding to the
Spirit, every believer should
mature and become
conformed to the image of
Christ. (Matthew 16:24; John
14:23; Galatians 5:25; II
Corinthians 3:18; I
Thessalonians 4:3)
We believe that the church is
the body of Christ of which
Jesus Christ is the Head. The
members are those who have
trusted by faith in the finished
work of Christ. The purpose of
the church is to glorify God by
loving Him and by making Him
known to a lost world. (I
Corinthians 12:27; Ephesians
1:22-23, 3:10-11)
We believe the entire Bible is
the inspired Word of God
and that men were moved by
the Spirit to write the very
words of Scripture. It is Godbreathed, and is useful for
teaching, rebuking, correcting,
and training in righteousness,
so that all may be thoroughly
equipped for every good
work. (Proverbs 30:5; 2
Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter